Cutting Tools - Indexable Tooling & Inserts - Indexable Turning - Turning Inserts - (5488 Products)
Item #: TG556830141
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6830141
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 864-TUS
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: TUS
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: T9115
•Insert style: CNMM 864-TUS
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 864-TUS
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 864
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1770
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SNMX 150708R-20 Grade IC8150 Turning Insert
Item #: EH5508699
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5508699
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNMX 150708R-20
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: 20
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Alpha Al2O3 Sumo Tec
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: SNMX
•Grade: IC8150
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: SNMX 150708R-20
•Steel (P): x
•Style: SNMX 1507
•Trade Name: Sumo Tec
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0440
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Item #: WK505908964
Manufacturer: Widia
Mfg #: 5908964
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Widia
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0113
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CNMG 544-SM Grade S05F - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMG52853
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5906816
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 544-SM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: SM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•For Use With: NonFerrous
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: S05F
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .250
•Insert style: CNMG
•Insert Size: 544
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: CNMG 160616-SM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 544-SM
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Style: CNMG 544
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0454
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2QP-DNGA 431-H Grade BX360 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306817955
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6817955
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 2QP-DNGA 431-H
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: H
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•Geometry: 2QP-DNGA
•Grade: BX360
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: 2QP-DNGA 431-H
•Insert Size: 431
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: 2QP-DNGA 150404-H
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 2QP-DNGA 431-H
•Radius: .016
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 2QP-DNGA 431
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0550
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TNMM 331-DIA Grade DX120 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306822170
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6822170
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: TNMM 331
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: DIA
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•Geometry: TNMM
•Grade: DX120
•Insert style: TNMM 331
•IC: 3/8
•Material: PCD
•Model Number: TNMM 331
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Radius: .016
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: TNMM 331
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0370
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3QP-TPGW 110202 Grade BXM20 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306805206
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6805206
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 3QP-TPGW
•Grade: BXM20
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: 3QP-TPGW 110202
•ISO Number: 3QP-TPGW 110202
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 3QP-TPGW 110202
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 3QP-TPGW 110202
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0310
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Item #: FF84CNGA7190860
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 7190860
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Grade: 7115
•Material: CBN
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990
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RCMX 200600 Grade TT8125 - Turning Insert
Item #: IC065519227
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5519227
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: RCMX 200600
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Coating: TiN + TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MT-CVD
•Grade: TT8125
•IC: .787
•ISO Number: RCMX 200600
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: RCMX200600
•Steel (P): x
•Style: RCMX 200600
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•TT8125 CVD for a wide range of turning of steel
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1500
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DNGA 433S0330A Grade 7015 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF84DNGA28164
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5731984
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNGA 433 S0330A
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: A
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Hardened Material
•Geometry: DNGA
•Grade: 7015
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: Flat Top
•Insert style: DNGA
•Insert Size: 433
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: DNGA150412S01030A
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: DNGA 433 S0330A
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Style: DNGA 433
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0059
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Item #: WK563883363
Manufacturer: Widia
Mfg #: 3883363
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Widia
•Grade: WBH25P
•Material: CBN
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0243
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Item #: TG556737118
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6737118
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0080
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Item #: TG556821672
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6821672
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: JTGR
•Grade: J740
•Insert style: JTGR3080F
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: JTGR3080F
•Steel (P): x
•Style: JTGR3080F
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0090
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SNMG 644-SMR Grade 1115 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87SNMG53531
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5909074
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNMG 644-SMR
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SMR
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: SNMG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: SNMG
•Insert Size: 644
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: SNMG190616SMR
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: SNMG 644-SMR
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: Square
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: SNMG 644
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0619
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Item #: TG556997845
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6997845
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: TNGG 432 R-D
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•Geometry: TNGG
•Grade: NS9530
•Insert style: TNGG 432 R-D
•Material: Cermet
•Model Number: TNGG 432 R-D
•Steel (P): x
•Style: TNGG 432
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0190
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Item #: TG556991547
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6991547
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 866-TUS
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: TUS
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: T9135
•Insert style: CNMM 866-TUS
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 866-TUS
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 866
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1720
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CNMG 643-HM Grade 4325 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMG6532314
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6532314
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 643-HM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: HM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: 4325
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMG
•Insert Size: 643
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190612-HM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 643-HM
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 643
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .6500
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CNMG 643-RT Grade TT9225 - Turning Insert
Item #: IC065520549
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5520549
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 643-RT
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Chip Breaker: RT
•Class: Turning Insert
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiCN
•Coating Process: MT-CVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: TT9225
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert Size: 643
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190612-RT
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG643RT
•Radius: .047
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Style: CNMG 643
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•TT9225 CVD for general use on stainless steel and high temp alloys
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0800
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SNG 554T0820 Grade 6190 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87SNG49166
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5782747
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNG 554 T0820
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: T02520
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•For Use With: Cast Iron
•Geometry: SNG
•Grade: 6190
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: SNG
•Insert Size: 554
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: SNGN150716T02520
•Material: Ceramic
•Model Number: SNG 554 T0820
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: Square
•Style: SNG 554
•Thickness: .312
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0112
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CNMM 643-PR Grade 4315 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMM6612871
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6612871
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 643-PR
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: PR
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: 4315
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMM
•Insert Size: 643
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMM 190612-PR
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 643-PR
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Roughing
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 643
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .6100
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