Cutting Tools - Indexable Tooling & Inserts - Indexable Turning - Turning Inserts - (5488 Products)
2QP-DCGW 070202 Grade BXM20 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306805038
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6805038
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 2QP-DCGW
•Grade: BXM20
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: 2QP-DCGW 070202
•ISO Number: 2QP-DCGW 070202
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 2QP-DCGW 070202
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 2QP-DCGW 070202
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0310
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Item #: FF84CNGA7190696
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 7190696
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Grade: 7105
•Material: CBN
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990
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Item #: TG556830133
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6830133
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 642-TUS
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: TUS
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: T9125
•Insert style: CNMM 642-TUS
•IC: 3/4
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 642-TUS
•Radius: .031
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 642
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0620
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SNG 656T0320 Grade 670 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87SNG84539
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5750137
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNG 656 T0320
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: T0
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•For Use With: HRSA
•Geometry: SNG
•Grade: 670
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert style: SNG
•Insert Size: 656
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: SNGN190724T0
•Material: Ceramic
•Model Number: SNG 656 T0320
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .094
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: Square
•Style: SNG 656
•Thickness: .312
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0330
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CNMG 542-SM Grade 1115 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMG55736
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6066499
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 542-SM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .250
•Insert style: CNMG
•Insert Size: 542
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: CNMG 160608-SM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 542-SM
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .031
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 542
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0030
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DNMG 542-PR Grade 4335 Turning Insert
Item #: FF87DNMG7080945
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 7080945
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNMG 542-PR
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: PR
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Inveio
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: DNMG
•Grade: 4335
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert Size: 542
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: DNMG190608PR
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: DNMG 542-PR
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Roughing
•Radius: .032
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DNMG 542
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990
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CNMG 644-PM Grade 4315 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMG6612915
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6612915
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 644-PM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: PM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: 4315
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMG
•Insert Size: 644
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190616-PM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 644-PM
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 644
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .6600
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JBTR04140005-D020 Grade SH730 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG436861070
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6861070
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: D020
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: JBTR
•Grade: SH730
•Insert style: JBTR 04140005-D020
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: JBTR 04140005-D020
•Steel (P): x
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0130
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CNMM 866-R3P Grade IC8150 Turning Insert
Item #: EH5566784
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5566784
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 866-R3P
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: R3P
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Alpha Al2O3 Sumo Tec
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: IC8150
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 866-R3P
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 866
•Trade Name: Sumo Tec
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1760
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VNGG 332-ML Grade TT9225 - Turning Insert
Item #: IC065520836
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5520836
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiCN
•Coating Process: MT-CVD
•Grade: TT9225
•Material: Carbide
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Type: Turning Insert
•TT9225 CVD for general use on stainless steel and high temp alloys
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0500
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Item #: TG556997887
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6997887
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: W15
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCNO
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: TPGT
•Grade: GT9530
•Insert style: TPGT 16T302L-W15
•ISO Number: TPGT 16T302L-W15
•Material: Cermet
•Model Number: TPGT 16T302L-W15
•Steel (P): x
•Style: TPGT 16T302
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0070
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Item #: WK505698415
Manufacturer: Widia
Mfg #: 5698415
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Widia
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0331
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VNMG 333-SF Grade 1115 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VNMG53637
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5891439
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VNMG 333-SF
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: VNMG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .150
•Insert style: VNMG
•Insert Size: 333
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VNMG160412SF
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VNMG 333-SF
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VNMG 333
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0209
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KNUX 16 04 05L11 Grade 4315 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87KNUX6612623
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6612623
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: KNUX 16 04 05 L-11
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: 11
•Class: Turning
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: KNUX
•Grade: 4315
•Insert style: KNUX
•Insert Size: 16 04 05
•IC: 16mm
•ISO Number: KNUX160405L11
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: KNUX 16 04 05 L-11
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Radius: .020
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Left Hand
•Steel (P): x
•Style: KNUX 16 04 05
•Thickness: 4mm
•Type: Turning Insert
•Width: 16mm
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .3100
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DNGG442-NFT Grade WS10 Insert
Item #: WC105592246
Manufacturer: Walter
Mfg #: 5592246
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNGG442-NFT
•Brand Name: Walter
•Chip Breaker: NFT
•Class: Turning
•Geometry: DNGG
•Grade: WS10
•IC: 1/2
•Model Number: DNGG442
•Radius: 1/32
•Relief Angle: 0 Degrees
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Style: DNGG
•Thickness: 1/4
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4210
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CNMG 866-RT Grade TT5100 - Turning Insert
Item #: IC065515018
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5515018
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 866-RT
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Chip Breaker: RT
•Class: Turning Insert
•Coating: TiN + TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MT-CVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: TT5100
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .360
•Insert Size: 866
•IC: 1
•ISO Number: CNMG 250924-RT
•Length: .917
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG866RT
•Mounting Style: Thru Hole
•Operation: Roughing
•Radius: .094
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Rhombic
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 866
•Thickness: .375
•Type: Turning Insert
•TT5100 CVD for a wide range of turning of mild steel, low carbon steel and low carbon alloy steel
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2100
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DNMX 444-WMX Grade 4315 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87DNMX6613021
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6613021
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNMX 444-WMX
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: WMX
•Class: Turning
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: DNMX
•Grade: 4315
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: DNMX
•Insert Size: 444
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: DNMX150616WMX
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: DNMX 444-WMX
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Wiper Medium
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DNMX 444
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .3800
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Item #: EH553328884
Mfg #:
Technical Specifications:
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0400
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KNUX 16 04 05R12 Grade 235 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87KNUX72102
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5733274
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: KNUX 16 04 05 R-12
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: 12
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + TiN
•Coating Process: CVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: KNUX
•Grade: 235
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert style: KNUX
•Insert Size: 16 04 05
•IC: 16mm
•ISO Number: KNUX160405R12
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: KNUX 16 04 05R12
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .020
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Right Hand
•Shape: K
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: KNUX 16 04 05
•Thickness: 4mm
•Type: Turning Insert
•Width: 16mm
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0266
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2QP-CNGA 431 Grade BXM10 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306864704
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6864704
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 2QP-CNGA 431
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 2QP-CNGA
•Grade: BXM10
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: 2QP-CNGA 431
•Insert Size: 431
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: 2QP-CNGA 120404
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 2QP-CNGA 431
•Radius: .016
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 2QP-CNGA 431
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0510
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