Cutting Tools - Indexable Tooling & Inserts - Indexable Turning - Turning Inserts - (5488 Products)
Item #: TG306738339
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6738339
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Coating: Uncoated
•Grade: BX930
•Material: CBN
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0420
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3QP-TNGA 331 Grade BXM10 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306864546
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6864546
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 3QP-TNGA 331
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 3QP-TNGA
•Grade: BXM10
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: 3QP-TNGA 331
•Insert Size: 331
•IC: 3/8
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 3QP-TNGA 331
•Radius: .016
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 3QP-TNGA 331
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0440
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CNMG 543-MR Grade IC807 Turning Insert
Item #: EH5508942
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5508942
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 543-MR
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: MR
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN Sumo Tec
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: IC807
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .250
•Insert Size: 543
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: CNMG 160612-MR
•Length: .626
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 543-MR
•Radius: .047
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 543
•Thickness: .250
•Trade Name: Sumo Tec
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0510
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2QP-VBGW 110304 Grade BXM10 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306864290
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6864290
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 2QP-VBGW
•Grade: BXM10
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: 2QP-VBGW 110304
•ISO Number: 2QP-VBGW 110304
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 2QP-VBGW 110304
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 2QP-VBGW 110304
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0350
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Item #: IC035403615
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5403615
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Grade: TD810
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0800
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TNGA 333-M3 Grade IB10S Turning Insert
Item #: EH6822391
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 6822391
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: TNGA 333-M3
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Chip Breaker: M3
•Class: Turning
•Geometry: TNGA
•Grade: IB10S
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Model Number: TNGA 333-M3
•Style: TNGA 333
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0260
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VNGG 333-SGF Grade 1115 Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VNGG6851304
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6851304
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VNGG 333-SGF
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SGF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium OxideTiAlN + Chromium OxideTiAlN + Chromium OxideTiAlN + Chromium OxideTiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: VNGG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .150
•Insert style: VNGG
•Insert Size: 333
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VNGG160412SGF
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VNGG 333-SGF
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VNGG 333
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2650
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CNMG 644-CH Grade T5105 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG556850175
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6850175
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 644-CH
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: CH
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Description: CNMG 644-CH T5105
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: T5105
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMG 644-CH
•Insert Size: 644
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190616-CH
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 644-CH
•Radius: .062
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: CNMG 644
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0700
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DNMX 444-WMX Grade 2015 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87DNMX43767
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5733836
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNMX 444-WMX
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: WMX
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: DNMX
•Grade: 2015
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: DNMX
•Insert Size: 444
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: DNMX150616WMX
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: DNMX 444-WMX
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Wiper Medium
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DNMX 444
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0332
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JTGR3140F-010 SH725 INSERT
Item #: TG556734033
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6734033
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0130
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Item #: IC085703525
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5703525
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Class: Turning Insert
•Grade: TC430
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0200
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Item #: TG556731189
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6731189
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0080
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VCGX 22 05 30-AL Grade H10 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VCGX69616
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5755879
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: AL
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•For Use With: NonFerrous
•Geometry: VCGX
•Grade: H10
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert style: VCGX
•Insert Size: 22 05 30
•IC: 1/4
•ISO Number: VCGX220530AL
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VCGX220530AL
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamp
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .118
•Rake: Positive
•Relief Angle: 7° Clearance
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Style: VCGX 22 05
•Thickness: .125
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0301
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Item #: EH683322809
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 3322809
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
Shipping Info:
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DNMG 444-PR Grade 4305 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87DNMG6707424
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6707424
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DNMG 444-PR
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: PR
•Class: Turning
•Geometry: DNMG
•Grade: 4305
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: DNMG
•Insert Size: 444
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: DNMG150616PR
•Model Number: DNMG 444-PR
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Roughing
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 55° Diamond
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DNMG 444
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .3900
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CNMG 643-ET Grade TT5100 - Turning Insert
Item #: IC065517711
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5517711
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 643-ET
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Chip Breaker: ET
•Class: Turning Insert
•Coating: TiN + TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MT-CVD
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: TT5100
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert Size: 643
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190612-ET
•Length: .713
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG643ET
•Mounting Style: Thru Hole
•Operation: Med Roughing
•Radius: .047
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Rhombic
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 643
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•TT5100 CVD for a wide range of turning of mild steel, low carbon steel and low carbon alloy steel
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .8000
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Item #: TG556998648
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6998648
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: ZF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCNO
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: YWMT
•Grade: GT9530
•Insert style: YWMT 16T308-ZF
•ISO Number: YWMT 16T308-ZF
•Material: Cermet
•Model Number: YWMT 16T308-ZF
•Steel (P): x
•Style: YWMT 16T308
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0110
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CNMG644-MK5 Grade WKK10S Insert
Item #: WC106356402
Manufacturer: Walter
Mfg #: 6356402
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG644-MK5
•Brand Name: Walter
•Chip Breaker: MK5
•Class: Turning
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: WKK10S
•IC: 3/4
•Model Number: CNMG644
•Radius: 1/16
•Relief Angle: 0 Degrees
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Style: CNMG
•Thickness: 1/4
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .6812
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TNMX 11 06-2 Grade 4325 Bar Peeling - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87TNMX6532889
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6532889
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: TNMX 11 06-2
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Geometry: TNMX
•Grade: 4325
•Insert style: TNMX
•IC: 11mm
•ISO Number: TNMX11062
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: TNMX 11 06-2
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamp
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: Triangle
•Steel (P): x
•Style: TNMX 15 09
•Thickness: 6mm
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .5000
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Item #: TG556737178
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6737178
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0130
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